
Saturday 31 March 2012


Definition of Fruit

          In botany, a fruit is a part of a flowering plant that derives from specific tissues of the flower, mainly one or more ovaries.

           fruit is the fleshy, edible ovary of a seed plant, or the flowering part of a plant that will flower again. It is the food that grows that contains seeds, and nuts and seeds are often classified as fruit.

          Ie.  the ripened ovary of a flowering plant, containing one or more seeds. It may be dry, as in the poppy, or fleshy, as in the peach.

          In common language , fruit normally means the fleshy seed-associated structures of a plant that are sweet and edible in the raw state, such as apples, oranges, grapes, strawberries, and bananas. On the other hand, the botanical sense includes many structures that are not commonly called "fruits", such as bean pods, corn kernels, wheat grains, tomatoes.

Fruit development

            A fruit is a ripened ovary. After the ovule in an ovary is fertilized in a process known as pollination, the ovary begins to ripen. The ovule develops into a seed and the ovary wall pericarp may become fleshy (as in berries or drupes), or form a hard outer covering (as in nuts). In some cases, the sepals, petals and/or stamens and style of the flower fall off. Fruit development continues until the seeds have matured. With some multiseeded fruits the extent to which the flesh develops is proportional to the number of fertilized ovules.

          The wall of the fruit, developed from the ovary wall of the flower, is called the pericarp. The pericarp is often differentiated into two or three distinct layers called the exocarp (outer layer - also called epicarp), mesocarp (middle layer), and endocarp (inner layer). In some fruits, especially simple fruits derived from an inferior ovary, other parts of the flower (such as the floral tube, including the petals, sepals, and stamens), fuse with the ovary and ripen with it. The plant hormone ethylene causes ripening. When such other floral parts are a significant part of the fruit, it is called an accessory fruit. Since other parts of the flower may contribute to the structure of the fruit, it is important to study flower structure to understand how a particular fruit forms.

         Fruits are the containers in which the plant puts its seeds. They are not all fruits as we think of them, but have many different forms. Some are fleshy with parts we like to eat, some are dry, some are heavy and are designed to be dispersed by falling and rolling away from the parent plant, some have wings or fluffy tails to enable them to be caught by the wind to be dispersed.

         Fruits are divided into Fleshy Fruits, and Dry Fruits.


See pages -  my posts

Fruits name starting with the letter  ' A '
     1.  Abiu fruit
     2.  Acai fruit

Fruits name starting with the letter  ' B '
     1.  Babaco fruit

Fruits name starting with the letter  ' C '
      1. Cacao fruit

Fruits name starting with the letter  ' D '
      1. Damson plum fruit

Fruits name starting with the letter  ' E '
      1. Egg fruit

Fruits name starting with the letter  ' F '
      1. Feijoa fruit

Fruits name starting with the letter  ' G '
      1. Gac fruit

Fruits name starting with the letter  ' H '
      1. Hawthorn fruit 

Fruits name starting with the letter  ' I '
      1. Icecream Bean fruit
Fruits name starting with the letter  ' J '
      1. Jack fruit

Fruits name starting with the letter  ' L '
      1. Lychee fruit

Fruits name starting with the letter  ' M '
      1. Mangosteen fruit

Fruits name starting with the letter  ' R '
      1. Rambutan fruit

Fruits name starting with the letter  ' W '
      1. Watermelon fruit



  1. Cool description. A farmer needs to know them.

  2. Where can i get seedlings of most of these fruits, I'm a fruit grower along the coastal areas of kenya, send me links or any contact please
    Thanks for your post,
