
Sunday 25 August 2013

Fruits name starts with the letter " J "

1    Jaboticaba Fruits                                                               

      Jaboticaba  - myrciaria cauliflora

      In its native home of Brazil, Jaboticaba is popularly eaten fresh out of hand simply by squeezing the flesh out of the fruit’s skin using the thumb and forefinger. Jaboticaba can be used to make jams, marmalades, and other preserves. It is also popularly squeezed to make a fresh juice or fermented to make wine and liqueurs. Jaboticaba can be used with or without the skin still attached though removal of some or all of the skin will reduce the tannin content. Jaboticaba begins to ferment three to four days after being harvested and should ideally be used within that time frame.
       The jaboticaba is a slow growing large shrub or small, bushy tree. It reaches a height of 10 - 15 feet in California and 15 - 35 feet in Brazil, depending on the species. The trees are profusely branched, beginning close to the ground and slanting upward and outward so that the dense, rounded crown may attain an ultimate spread as wide as it is tall. The thin, beige to reddish bark flakes off much like that of the guava. The jaboticaba makes an attractive landscape plant.
      Jaboticaba fruit is grape-like in appearance and texture but with a thicker, tougher skin. Most California fruit is dark purple to almost black in colour. Averages size is one inch in diameter but can run from 3/4 to 1-1/2 inches, depending on species and variety. The gelatinous whitish pulp contains from one to four small seeds and has a pleasant, subacid flavour markedly similar to certain muscadine grapes. The skin has a slight resinous flavour that is not objectionable. Fruit may be produced singly or in clusters from the ground up all over the trunk and main branches, and the plant may fruit up to five times per year. Fresh fruit is delicious eaten out-of-hand and can be made into jellies, jams and wine.

2    Jamberry Fruits                                                                  
      Jamberry -  phyalis 

      Jamberry - physalis are herbaceous plants growing to 0.4 to 2 m tall, similar to the common tomato, a plant of the same family, but usually with a stiffer, more upright stem. They can be either annual or perennial. Most require full sun and fairly warm to hot temperatures. Propagation is by seed. Some species are self-incompatible and require pollen from other plants to bear fruit. 
     Jamberry Fruits is a small orange berry fruit. Other names cape gooseberries, more commonly known as Rasbhari in India, golden berries, inca berry and ground berries. They are usually grown in warm regions like South Africa, South America, Central America, India and China. The fruit is named as cape gooseberry because it is first cultivated in Cape of Good Hope in South Africa. It is known as Peruvian ground cherry, Peruvian cherry, golden berry, Chinese lantern and Inca berry in different parts of the country.
    Jamberry Fruits have abundant in Vitamin C much more than lemons.  Not only is Vitamin C good for skin, but it also helps in boosting immunity. It is said that it fulfills 30 percent of requirements of vitamin C, further helping in enhancing immunity.
    Not all physalis species bear edible fruit. Select species are cultivated for their edible fruit, however; the typical physalis fruit is similar to a firm tomato in texture, and like strawberries or pineapple in flavor, with a mild acidity. Some species, such as the cape gooseberry and tomatillo have been bred into many cultivars with varying flavors, from tart to sweet to savory. Physalis fruit are rich in cryptoxanthin.

3    Jackfruit                                                                          
      Jackfruit - artocarpus heterophyllus

      Jackfruit is a tropical tree fruit native to southwest India. It belongs to the Moraceae plant family, which also includes mulberries, figs, and breadfruit. A jackfruit is large, with thick, yellow flesh and edible seeds and pods. The flesh has a sweet, distinctive flavour.
   The word “jackfruit” comes from the Portuguese word “jaca”, which 16th century explorers derived from their pronunciation of the Malaysian name for the fruit, chakka. Today, although it's still exclusively grown in Southeast Asia, jackfruit is enjoyed around the world on its own, and in raw or cooked recipes. Some people confuse the jackfruit with the durian fruit, which looks similar, but there is a large difference. Durian has a strong odour that may not be pleasant to everyone; jackfruit smells sweet, like fruit. Durian fruits are also much smaller than jackfruit; and the outside of a durian may have spiky “thorns,” while a jackfruit has smooth bumps on its surface.
     Jackfruit is commonly used in South and Southeast Asian cuisines.  Both ripe and unripe fruits are consumed. The jackfruit is the national fruit of Bangladesh and     Sri Lanka, and the state fruit of the Indian states of Kerala and Tamil Nadu. It is available internationally canned or frozen and in chilled meals as are various products derived from the fruit such as noodles and chips.
   Jackfruit is a healthful source of vitamin C and other essential nutrients, and research suggests that it may provide a number of health benefits. 

for  more information and images of this fruit  --  go to the link  --   Jackfruit fruit 

 4    Jamfruit                                                                     
       Jamfruit - muntingia calabura  

     Jamfruit’s origin is Mexico. Central America, South America, India, Malaysia, Indonesia and the Philippines for so long, that many assume that the fruit is native to these countries. In Malaysia, the plant is one of the most common trees growing along roadsides. Other name - Jamaica cherry.  
    Unripe jamfruits are green and hard. When ripe, they become dark red. The darkest fruits offer the sweetest flavour, though they are pleasantly edible when plucked pink with a gold blush. Do not pluck the fruits individually, shake the branch instead, and collect the ripe fallen jamfruits. 
     The fruits are abundant, in round shape; approximately 1 – 2 cm wide, with red or yellow, thin, smooth, tender skin and light-brown, soft, juicy pulp, with very sweet, musky, fig-like flavour, and filled with exceedingly tiny, yellowish seeds.  


  Fruits in the World - is not a finished project, new fruits is added every day..........




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    Fruits That Start With J
