
Thursday 9 July 2020

Apple - Red Delicious

    Apple - Red Delicious   
     Apple Red Delicious - malus domestica

Red Delicious is one of the most famous American apples, and one of the most widely grown apple varieties. Although the names are similar, Red Delicious and Golden Delicious are entirely different varieties. There are a lot of other similarities though: both varieties were discovered in the USA at the end of the 19th century, both need warm climates, both have interesting histories, and both are basically sweet apples.

The 'Red Delicious' originated at an orchard in 1880 as a round, blushed yellow fruit of surpassing sweetness. Stark Nurseries held a competition in 1892 to find an apple to replace the Ben Davis apple. The winner was a red and yellow striped apple sent by Jesse Hiatt, a farmer in Peru, Iowa, who called it "Hawkeye". Stark Nurseries bought the rights from Hiatt, renamed the variety "Stark Delicious", and began propagating it. Another apple tree, later named the 'Golden Delicious', was also marketed by Stark Nurseries after it was purchased from a farmer in Clay County, West Virginia, in 1914; the 'Delicious' became the 'Red Delicious' as a retronym.

Red Delicious is a medium-sized apple, with a tall conical shape. The dark and intense crimson colour makes it the quintessential red apple, and it is has strong shelf appeal.  A number of improved "sports" have been developed, of which the most well-known is probably Starking.

Unfortunately the visual appeal is not matched by the flavour. Red Delicious has a sweet but very mild flavour, somewhat reminscent of slightly over-ripe melon. The flesh is juicy and has a light crispness.  The skin can be quite tough.  Overall Red Delicious can be quite a refreshing apple to eat, but its chief characteristic is that it has almost no flavour at all.

These apples are medium-sized and have a conical shape. They are broadly round at the top and taper at the base. The thick skin turns bright red well before the fruits are fully ripe, which can lead to early harvests. As they mature, the skin becomes a darker red with white lenticels visibly dotting the surface. The fine-grained flesh is creamy white, crisp and juicy and offers a mildly sweet taste with flavours of melon.

Red Delicious apples saw tremendous commercial success between 1940 and the late 1980s, with the bulk of the production in Washington State. Their popularity has declined slightly since then as consumer interest has swayed to new varieties and farmer’s markets and boutique orchards have helped renew interest in heirloom apples.

This elongated bright red apple with its creamy yellow flesh is the consummate red variety. Multi-faceted with its many consumer uses, the Red Delicious is one of the most popular apples in the United States. Meet the world’s favourite snacking apple. The heart-shaped Red Delicious features a bright red and sometimes striped skin. Renowned for its crunchy texture and mildly sweet flavour, this tasty apple shines in cool, crisp salads.

Red Delicious apples are best used in fresh preparations, as their flesh does not hold up well when cooked. Add to green, fruit and chopped salads. Use as an edible garnish on sandwiches, quesadillas and burgers. Since their flesh breaks down easily, they can be successfully slow cooked and pureed to make sauces and for soups. Their flavour pairs well with cinnamon, cheddar cheese, horseradish, chard, cherries, mustard and pecans. Red Delicious apples can be stored in the refrigerator for up to a month.

These apples are high in dietary fiber and contain vitamin C. They offer a small amount of vitamin A and sodium and traces of calcium and iron. Red Delicious apples are higher in antioxidants than many other apple varieties, most of which are contained in the skin.

These are one of the most well known commercially grown apples in the United States. Red Delicious apples look a lot different today than when they were first discovered. Over a period of nearly 100 years, improvements were made, altering the fruit’s shape, firmness, juiciness and even its colour. Red Delicious is the parent apple of several popular varieties like the Starkrimson, Empire and Fuji apples.

Red delicious apples, with more than 2,500 cultivated varieties in North America, are heart shaped with bright red striped skin. Red Delicious tree size ranges from 3–8 m. in height and 4-5 m wide. It becomes more attractive when it bears white-pink coloured flowers early in the season. Like other apple trees, it is deciduous, which means that it will shed its leaves in autumn, providing the best time for pruning. The taste of the fruit is sweet and mild. With long storage life, the apples can be used for a variety of purposes but are mostly found great for eating fresh and making desserts.

Before planting Red Delicious tree, make soil is free from weeds. Dig a hole about 2-3 feet deep and add some organic manure or compost in the hole. Make sure that the plant is healthy and free from any disease or injury. Loosen the soil around the root ball, as it will help the roots to penetrate into the soil. If you are interested in planting a grafted Red Delicious apple tree, then make sure that the graft union is at least 2 inches (5 cm.) above the soil surface. Before growing Red Delicious apple trees, select pollinating varieties that are compatible, like Gala, Fuji and Granny Smith, and suitable in your area. Red Delicious does not pollinate by themselves but are cross pollinated, mostly with Golden Delicious and Gala. 

For maximum production, the planting distance must be considered 12-15 feet (4-5 m.) apart for semi dwarf Red Delicious trees and 10 feet (3 m.) apart for dwarf varieties. Red delicious apple trees are sun loving and need a minimum six hours of direct, unfiltered sunlight each day. The tree grows well in acidic, well-drained and humid soils. Generally, the soil must be porous and supplemented with hay or some other organic material to keep it moist and full of nutrients. It’s susceptible to drought stress, so a proper irrigation plan is essential for Red Delicious apples in the orchard. In northern areas, spring planting is suggested while the areas where the weather is mild and moist, fall planting is also successful.

The lack of flavour is cited as one of the factors, and in Europe (where flavour has perhaps been relatively more important to consumers), Red Delicious has never been that successful.  It is also worth noting that the vast majority of American Red Delicious production takes place in Washington State, where the cooler autumn climate contributes towards the perfect deep red finish and distinctive conical appearance.  Red Delicious grown elsewhere in the US tends not to have the same level of red colouration, forcing growers to use some of the redder sports, which in turn do not always have the conical characteristics which consumers associate with Red Delicious.

Red Delicious has been extensively used in breeding programmes because of its attractive red colour and crisp flesh. It has useful growing qualities too - it is has a good reputation for resistance to fireblight and cedar apple rust.  Its most interesting modern offspring is probably Fuji. It is also a parent of Empire, which inherits some of the melon flavour. It may also be a parent of Cameo.


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