
Monday 4 May 2020

Fruits name starts with the letter " O "

1     Ogeechee lime                                                           
       Ogeechee lime - nyssa ogeche  

       This tree that can grow 30-40 ft. tall, and in the Fall, the leaves and the oval shaped fruit turn a brilliant scarlet in colour. The fruit is about 1-2 inches long and reaches the approximate size of a large kumquat with an acid flavour, that is similar to limes or other citrus. The fruit is used to flavour foods and drinks, when the juice is released, or it can be used in preserves and the canning of such items as jellies and jams by the local inhabitants.
       Each fruit contains one, rarely two seeds that have a papery seed coat. The pulp of its fruit is technically edible, extremely sour and extremely bitter, which is why it is usually used in sweetened preserves. Its sibling, the Water Tupelo is likewise edible as is the Ogeechee Lime, another Tupelo. The juice of the latter is used like lime juice.  It is also known as Ogeechee tupelo, sour tupelo gum, white tupelo, and bee tupelo.


Fruits in the World - is not a finished project, new fruits is added every day..........

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