
Tuesday 5 May 2020

Fruits name starts with the letter " T "

1     Tamarind Fruit                                                                       
       Tamarind - scientific name: tamarindus indica

       It is a large tree with long, heavy drooping branches, and dense foliage. The completely grown up tree might reach up to 60 - 80 feet in height. During each season, curvy, bean-shaped fruit pods cover all over its branches in abundance. Each pod has a hard, outer coat (shell) encasing beaded, deep brown, soft pulp. The fruit flesh in turn envelopes around 2-10 hard, dark-brown seeds.
      The tamarind flavour is sour yet sweet, and the pulp gets sweeter and turns into tamarind paste as it continues to ripen. In cooking, it is used to make everything from savoury dishes to sweets and jams. Tamarind paste is also an ingredient in many sauces, drinks and even chutneys. Raw tamarind can also be eaten and enjoyed by simply removing the fruit from the tamarind pods.
      Tamarinds are evergreen tropical trees native to Africa, but found in many other tropical areas around the world. Seeds and the edible pulp that boasts a wide array of potential uses.

2     Tamarillo Fruit                                                                       
       Tamarillo  - scientific name: cyphomandra betacea

      The tamarillo is a small tree or shrub in the flowering plant family Solanaceae and  an egg-shaped edible fruit. Tamarillo, also known as tree tomato. There are yellow and red tamarillos. The flesh of this fruit is orange and contains black edible seeds. Other names tree tomato, blood fruit, and tamamoro in South America, and terong Belanda (Dutch eggplant) in Indonesia. They are popular globally, especially in New Zealand, Ecuador, Rwanda, India, Australia, and the United States.
       This small-sized tree has hairy stems and branches that reaches 5 to 10 feet tall. The tamarillo tree has broader evergreen leaves compared to that of a tomato plant. Well-grown tamarillo plants produce small and fleshy pale-pink or white flowers during the first year of plantation, and fruiting is discouraged until the plant reaches its second or third year. 
      The fruits are egg-shaped and about 4-10 centimetres long. Their colour varies from yellow and orange to red and almost purple. Sometimes they have dark, longitudinal stripes. Red fruits are more acetous, yellow and orange fruits are sweeter. The flesh has a firm texture and contains more and larger seeds than a common tomato. The fruits are very high in vitamins and iron and low in calories (only about 38 calories per fruit).

3     Tangelo Fruit                                                                   
       Tangelo - citrus X paradisi X reticulate

      Tangelo trees look very similar to orange trees. They can grow up to 25 feet and produce fragrant white flowers in the spring.   This fruits are dark-orange coloured fruit with juicy, sweet flesh. They taste tangier than an orange and have the sweetness of a mandarin. Tangelos have a thin skin that is easy to peel and few seeds. They also have a knob-like shape at one end, which gives them a pear or bell shape.
   A deliciously sweet fruit most often mistaken for an unusually shaped orange, the tangelo is the hybrid of a tangerine and grapefruit.  Alternatively known as Honeyballs and easy to peel similar to that of oranges.  The most popular variety of the tangelo is the Minneola, a cross between the Duncan grapefruit and Darcy tangerine. This is an incredibly juicy and flavorful variety.
     The tangelo fruit has been used in jams, marmalades and cakes, and have also been included in salads and main dishes. Sliced segments of the fruit are also used as a decorative garnish, while its juice can provide a tangy twist to marinades and sauces.


Fruits in the World - is not a finished project, new fruits is added every day..........

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    Fruits That Start With T
